The new Embumar

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The new Embumar facilities are located in Parque Tecnológico Agroalimentario in Jerez de la Frontera. It counts with more than 6 thousand square meters, meaning this an important step for the business growth of the Embumar project.

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New facilities with innovate technology,

thus allowing improvements in the production process, always looking for our products to comply with the strictest quality controls.

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Innovate R + D + i department,

in search of future projects for the development of beneficial products for health, easy and comfortable to prepare.

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Industrial efficient equipment in results and resources,

which allow to reduce energy costs and carry out an exhaustive monitoring of the environmental behavior of our activities, in order to generate a sustainable development of the company.

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The new training

romos will reinforce the human team in the responsibility they have in their work place, thus converting the project “The new Embumar”, into a Project based on ethical and personal responsibility.

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